인도 역사 지도

(13) 1510-1961 Colonial States

iamcool 2018. 6. 1. 14:59
** 1510-1961 Colonial States

(1) 1510-1961 Portuguese India

(2) 1605-1825 Dutch India

(3) 1620-1869 Danish India

(4) 1759-1954 French India

(5) 1757-1858 Company Raj

(6) 1858-1947 British Raj

* 1498-1739 European Settlements in India

* 1510-1961 Portuguese India

* 1605-1825 Dutch India

* 1620-1845 Danish Settlemens in India

* Purple indicates territories under French rule; blue identifies French allies or spheres of influence (1741–1754)
* French establishments and lodges as of 1947