러시아 역사 지도

(3) 882-1240 Kievan Rus'

iamcool 2018. 12. 14. 10:10






* 1000년 키예프 루스








Realm of Kievan Rus' at its height (with dependent lands)







1054-1113 Principalities of Kievan Rus'












1220-1240 Kievan Rus'












1245-1349 Lilac borders: Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, one of the successor states of Kievan Rus'


A map of Central and Eastern Europe during the 13th–14th centuries, showing the Galician–Volhynian Kingdom (center, in dark green).







13세기 초 루스 지도







13세기 말- 14세치 초 Halych-Volyn





